
                                                                   Project Proposal

Produced for: Rockstar Games

Produced by: Lyubomir Petrov

Date: 28/9/2017

Production: One


Name of Character: The Decaying

Client: Rockstar Games

Company Name: Agaeti Productions™

Copyright: 2017



This is a non-playable character.


‘The Decaying’ are the dead that came back from the afterlife, because of the apocalypse. When a person dies after a while he comes back as one of ‘The Decaying’. As time passes a decaying starts to lose his mind and becomes a zombie like creature, which is constantly looking for human flesh, but not because of hunger. It searches what has been lost, his soul. Their main goal is to kill a human and eat his soul in order to become human again. ‘The Decaying’ have different stages of mutation and they depend on 2 things: for how long have they been roaming the Earth after coming back from the afterlife and how many souls have they consumed. The more time a ‘decaying’ has been alive the stronger it is, the more souls it has consumed the more range of abilities it has. They aren’t zombies so head-shot is not the only way to kill them. Blood still flows through them and they do feel pain, but on a much lower level.

‘The Decaying’ attack on groups, the size of the group depends on what stage their mutation is. If their stage 2 or lower the group won’t be more then 100 or 150,if a big group like that is in a forest or around nature after a while the threes and flowers will start to decay because of their presence, but if the stage is 4 they might no more than 5. In special cases when a ’decayed’ eats animal souls its pack would be the size as the pack of the animal it soul has consumed.

Stages of mutation

 The first stage is after a ‘decayed’ has returned from the afterlife. It takes about 1 month to finish and advance to the next one. During this one month it skin turns grey and it starts losing his mind slowly. It still can communicate with other people as a normal person, but that is only for the first week, after that it becomes too aggressive and people exile them from the city or village. During this one week it is meant to say goodbye with family and friends. By the end of the first stage his teeth are more like fangs and it has short claws, about 5 cm.

 The second stage is where a ‘decaying’ is no longer thinking and only acting on its instincts, which are to kill humans and eat their soul. Throughout this stage it starts to its  appearance more, all of its hair falls off, it eyes are yellow-ish with red stripes coming from the pupil and it has lost the ability to produce any sound expect growling . This stage takes 2 years. During this long time the ‘decaying’ has to eat as many souls as possible in order to progress to the third stage. If it has not eaten enough souls at the end of the second stage it will still progress to the third stage, but only in strength and not in supernatural abilities. And if it has eaten enough souls it will regain some of his intelligence and its first ability.

  The Third stage (5 years) and the stages after that depend solely on how many souls has the ‘decayed’ consumed. If it hasn’t eaten enough then it will become stronger, larger but duller. Hair will start to grow over his, but it will look more beast then man, it will still have some sort of intellect but more like a caveman.And if it has eaten enough souls it will regain about 50% of its intelligence and develop its first ability which is called ‘Decay’: everything its hand touches starts to decay rapidly. ‘The decayed’ will also appear more human, less zombie like and will also have more humanity, but will still attack humans for their souls.

Every stage after the third one will take twice as long to finish. Some of ‘the decayed’ will prefer animal souls then human. The more animal souls they consume the more animal-ish they are going to look like, depending on what animal they thrive on. For example imagine a dog like creature with no fur and kind of a human head.

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